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Optimize productivity and empower team collaboration with intuitive, visual task management

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Empower your team to manage tasks better. Task manager promotes team productivity, collaboration and accountability with an intuitive, visual task management experience.

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Enhance team productivity and collaboration with comments and activities

Task comments and activity feed

Comment on tasks

Engage in a conversation within each task using comments

Reply to comments

Use replies to create a thread and keep the conversation focused and going. Replies trigger automated notifications to others in that conversation.

Tag users

Tag someone with @ to ensure they are notified when they are mentioned in a comment.

View task history on a timeline

Notes, comments and task updates are displayed on a timeline in the activity feed.

Automated notifications

Automated app and email notifications are sent to assigned staff and oversight management for upcoming, due now and past due tasks so everyone who needs to know, is notified

Automating critical alerts improves company performance, ensuring 100% visibility of critical information, improving service and ultimately reducing exposure to financial risk.

notification alerts empower group care
  • Reduces costs and improves ROI with a greater output of work, fewer errors and less staff time required
  • Promotes efficiency and saves valuable timeFree up staff by spending less time keeping track of assigned tasks
  • Eliminates missed tasks Use multi-staff assignment and members to notify staff and oversight of upcoming, due now and expired tasks
  • Fewer human errors remove the inconsistency and possibility of any tasks being overlooked
  • Enhances task management oversight and staff accountabilitywith intuitive project management tools to track everything
  • Ensure 100% visibility with multi-staff alerts notifications are sent to multiple team members
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Multi-staff assignment and members

Enhance Collaboration & Productivity

Add members and assign tasks to multiple staff to execute, complete and monitor tasks to mitigate human error.

  • Eliminates missed assignments
  • Promote teamwork and Enhance collaboration
  • Strategically plan and assign tasks to multiple staff
connections tasks detail members assign magnified
connections tasks empower group care
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View Task relationships with Connections

Increase transparency

View and track all events (log, staff, resident, medical entries) connected to a task

Enhance oversight

Track your project from start to finish

Verify task accuracy and completion by viewing recorded activities related to each task.

Mitigate risks with better documentation

Documentation integrity in the time of COVID-19

Protect your staff and residents from unnecessary exposure by enforcing implemented policies and procedures, strengthening staff accountability by viewing, tracking and auditing tasks and related logged activities.

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Stay organized with grouped tasks

Supercharge productivity

Project management made easy

Use subtasks to complete smaller repetitive tasks to complete your project.

sub tasks Empower Group Care EGC HIMS
  • Increase productivitySystematically grouping subtasks to a parent project task to in a single view
  • Stay organizedSubtasks are displayed as a checklist on a parent project task when multiple steps are needed to complete a task
  • Increase efficiencyNot all subtasks will be completed by the same staff; each subtasks can be assigned to different staff within a parent project task
  • Stay on track effortlesslyEasily plan your projects with dynamic task scheduling based on requirements, duration, and allotted team members
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A productivity platform

Stay organized -
Attach important documents to tasks

Attach files, photos or links to tasks so you can find them easily when needed. Attachments remain connected to tasks while in progress and after being completed, eliminating misplaced documents and reducing time spent searching for these documents when needed. 

other apps

Easy integration

Attach files from apps your team already uses

Get started with Empower Group Care today

Begin your digital transformation or schedule an online demonstration.